Enjoy Best Chinese Food During Chinese New Year Celebrations

chinese new year food

Chinese New Year is a very important festival in China. Many Chinese people celebrate this day by eating lavish meals. The traditional food on this day is very different from other Chinese festivals. However, you may be wondering what exactly is included in a typical Chinese meal? The following article is packed with helpful info on this incredibly special event, traditions, and many useful tips on what Chinese people do to mark the beginning of the new year and welcoming the new season.


One of the main highlights of Chinese new year's Eve celebrations is the consumption of special dried fruit cakes. These cakes are beautifully arranged, filled with star-shaped dried fruits and served to the guests. Usually, there are at least a dozen versions of this dish prepared in many different Chinese cities; you can easily sample them all during your travels around China.


A big highlight of the Chinese new year's Eve celebrations is the consumption of fireworks or firecrackers. The main difference between the two is that during the festival, people will use real fireworks while on the other occasion, crackers are used instead. Firecrackers are normally eaten as snacks during evening meals but are also eaten during social occasions such as dinner parties. They are typically eaten as a big meal during daytime so be sure to stop for some snack snacks along the way!

Enjoy Best Chinese Food During Chinese New Year Celebrations


Another big highlight of Chinese new year's eve is the famous dumplings. The word dumpling actually comes from the Japanese translation, which means "little rolls". In Chinese culture, these small snacks are usually served as part of a banquet. Dumplings are typically eaten as food served with steamed green vegetables and sometimes rice as well.


One of the most popular dishes during the festival is definitely the chinese new year food of the lanterns, or more specifically, Chinese noodles. The word "nexi" literally means noodles in English but the term is used commonly when referring to noodles cooked in Chinese cooking and in general used to refer to any type of noodles. Chinese noodles are very popular among westerners because they are not only very delicious but are also considered to be a healthy choice compared to western-style pasta.


In Chinese new year celebrations, every family will make a small plot in their backyard and bury an ox along with a lantern for it to signify the beginning of the year. From that point on, everyone in the family must light the lanterns every night in order to continue celebrating until the lantern is completely lit. At midnight, everyone will throw a handful of dirt onto the fire and burn it away to make the fire brighter and start to cook the noodles that everyone will be eating for the coming holidays. It is believed that these noodles represent the hardships that the people had to go through throughout the years but at the same time it is said that they represent good luck for the coming year as well. It is believed that these noodles will help to bring about prosperity and new life into the home.


Of course, another very important dish that is part of chinese new year foods is the spring rolls, which are actually a long thin piece of meat that is made out of a mixture of wheat starch, egg and spring water. The reason for this dish is to symbolize long life and longevity. In traditional Chinese medicine, the belief is that all illness is caused by the imbalances of yin and yang in your body which can be caused by stress and other unhealthy factors such as lack of sleep, too much alcohol intake, too much rice and not enough fresh fruits and vegetables. To help relieve these imbalances in the body, the Chinese use this popular spring roll to symbolize the beginning of a renewed and healthy lifestyle as well as prosperity in the future. As Chinese people understand more about this ancient tradition, they are also able to use the longevity noodles to maintain their health and to ward off diseases such as cancer and heart disease.


Although most people associate Chinese New Year feasts with fresh vegetables and fruits, steaming gao pigs is also a very popular Chinese New Year food. Steaming gao pig is a very rich and filling dish that comes from the southern region of China. Gao pigs are very old animals that have been used for medicinal purposes in China for many centuries. They are fed a diet of mice and greens and are very tender when they are first given to humans because of their large size. To make steamed gao pig is very easy since it is usually flavored with Chinese herbs to make it rich and delicious.

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