Every business needs to have a name that the public can identify it with. If you are starting a business in Nebraska and wish to use a different name than your personal name or the registered name of your business, you will have to file and register a DBA name. The DBA name stands for "doing business as," and it identifies your business with the opted name. In this article, we will guide you on how to get a dba name in nebraska.

What is a DBA Name?

A DBA name is also known as a trade name, fictitious name, or assumed name. It is the name under which a business operates, other than the personal name of the business owner or the registered name of the company. A DBA is an essential component of officializing a business to create a legal and legitimate entity.

Why File a DBA Name?

There are numerous reasons to file a DBA in Nebraska or in any state. A few of them are:

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- If you run a partnership and conduct business under a name other than the legal name of all the partners.

- If you wish to operate your sole proprietorship under a distinct trade name.

- If you wish to make an amendment to your business name and want to conduct under a different name other than the registered name.

In short, if you want to create a separate identity that differs from your existing business name and sells a wide range of services and products, obtaining and registering for a DBA in the state of Nebraska is necessary.

Steps to Follow to Get a DBA Name in Nebraska

If you want to get a DBA name in Nebraska, it's a straightforward process. Take a quick look at the following steps:

Step 1: Research

Before settling on a particular DBA name, do extensive research to ensure the name you plan on using hasn't already been registered by another business. You can verify name availability on the Nebraska Secretary of State website by browsing the business registry database's name records. You can also avail of any trademark, commerce name, or utilization permits in Nebraska jurisdictions.

Step 2: Know the Eligibility Criteria

Individuals, partnerships, and sole proprietors are eligible for obtaining DBA names. According to Nebraska State law, businesses wanting to use their owner's name, initials, or personal name DO NOT require filing Fictitious Business Name (FBN) registrations.

Step 3: File a DBA Name Registration

Once you have identified a suitable name for your DBA name, you will have to file a DBA registration with the Nebraska Secretary of State. The forms and applications can be filled digitally through their website. Alternatively, you can fill it physically via mail.

- Online Applications: You must have access to a computer equipped with non-interlaced monitors, color graphics capability, and a printer.

- Mailed Applications: DBA candidates who are substituting a real tax ID with a Social Security number can obtain printable PDF entries from their website upon request. Once submitted, it takes several weeks to process the application.

To file by mail, you will need to Download and complete The Fictitious name Registrations of Business document, then mail a certified check or money order of $100 registration fee to the:

Business Services Division

1201 N St.

Suite 120

Lincoln, NE 68508

You will also have to submit the Certificate of Incorporation or Completion Certificate.

Step 4: Advertise the Registry Listing

Upon filing the DBA registration with the Secretary of State, you need to publish the filing in a visibly-printing regional circulatory for five (5) consecutively-derived data spans immediately succeeding perfection of the hunt supplementary document-or similarly additionally granted counsel if inside the span the successive tabloid is Not published per season or an announcement is generally subject to a more cautious analytical pedigree.

Once the advertisement task is over, you need to grab an affidavit notarizing your post-journal announcement, mail it into the Nebraska Secretary of State to extract for completing the process.


By following the steps mentioned above, you can register and legally obtain a DBA name to operate in the state of Nebraska. Filing a DBA is a simple, inexpensive process but a crucial one as attracting new client interests requires a comprehensive aspiration. Ensure you have done your in-depth research with the appropriate authorities to grab a proper intended alternative trade name.

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